Partner Visa or Spouse Visa in Israel – Overview

You’ve made the decision that you want to live together in Israel? Congratulations!

In this article we will give you a quick (but thorough) overview of the Israeli “partner visa”, which can also be referred to as a “spouse visa”, “marriage visa”, “shared life visa” etc.

The partner visa is specifically made for international couples, where the foreign partner does not qualify for immigration to Israel under the Law of Return, meaning non-Jewish partners of Israelis who don’t have Jewish ancestry.

Foreign partners of all Israelis (both Israeli citizens and Israeli Permanent Residents) can be eligible for a partner visa. This article will focus on the gradual process for couples in which the Israeli side is an Israeli citizen. Information about the process when the Israeli side is a permanent resident of Israel is coming soon!

What is a Partner Visa / Spouse Visa?

The term “partner visa” is a general name for various types of visas and legal statuses that a non-Israeli partner of an Israeli can obtain in Israel. All types of partner visas allow their holders to legally work in Israel (both as an employee and as an independent worker) and live in Israel, together with their Israeli partner, and as long as the relationship lasts.

Partner visas are obtained gradually, as a part of a complete naturalization process that finally results in a permanent status in Israel – Either a Permanent Resident status or Israeli citizenship. This process is called “The Gradual Process” (Halich Medorag – הליך מדורג) and is sometimes also referred to as “family reunification” (Ihud Mishpahot – איחוד משפחות / אחמ”ש), “shared life” (Haim Meshutafim – חיים משותפים), etc.

The Different Types of Partner Visas

During the gradual process, a non-Israeli partner of an Israeli will receive 2 different types of visas, depending on the stage of the process.

  • B1 General (ב/1 כללי) – temp. working permit (רישיון זמני לעבודה) – This is an unrestricted work visa, and the initial status the non-Israeli partner will get. It is imprinted with the words “בן/בת זוג” (“partner”) and it allows its holder to work in Israel unrestrictedly. Not to be confused with restricted B1 visas, which are granted to work immigrants and are restricted to a specific field/employer (caregiving, agriculture, expert, etc.)
  • A5 (א/5) – Generally Temporary (ארעי כללי) – This visa is a residency visa, that grants the status of a temporary resident in Israel and an Israeli ID. In addition to the right to work, it also grants its holder full social rights in Israel, including state health insurance, tax credit points and much more.

Who is Eligible for a Partner visa in Israel?

Most couples consisting of an Israeli and a non-Israeli can apply for a partner visa, which will allow that non-Israeli partner to live in Israel with their Israeli partner. This includes married couples and unmarried couples. Same-sex couples are also welcome, and they too can apply as both married or unmarried couples.

The partner visa is available for foreign citizens of any country in the world, with a few exceptions. Citizens of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon are not eligible to get a status in Israel as partners of Israelis. In addition, heavy restrictions are applied to residents of the Judea-Samaria region and Gaza.

What is The Gradual Process?

The gradual process is a name for a long bureaucratic process, through which foreign spouses or partners of Israelis can obtain stay permits in Israel (partner visas), in a gradual manner.

In the gradual process, the couple will be required to periodically prove the honesty of the relationship. This is done through interviews, submission of relationship proofs (such as shared photos and recommendation letters), and center-of-life documents.

The process in its entirety (from initial visa until eligibility to Israeli citizenship or permanent residency) ranges between ~4.5 years to 7+ years in length, depending on the marital status of the couple.

The gradual process is taking place at the visa department of the Population and Immigration Authority (PIBA). It is dictated by two official PIBA procedures – Procedure 5.2.0008 for married couples, and Procedure 5.2.0009 for non-married couples and for same-sex couples.

The Stages of the Gradual Process

The length of each stage of the gradual process differs between married and unmarried couples. In addition, there is a small difference in the process between heterosexual married couples and homosexual married couples.

However, couples in the gradual process go through these stages:

B1 General Visa*

A5 Visa (temporary residency)

Permanent status
(Permanent residency or Israeli citizenship)

Both B1 and A5 visas are valid for up to one year and must be renewed yearly.

*For married couples, the B1 status is not a part of the gradual process. The B1 visa will be granted as an interim status only, outside of the process’ timeline, for a period of up to 6 months. Within those 6 months or less, PIBA must complete this checks, interviews, etc. and provide a decision regarding the A5 visa.

Gradual Process for Heterosexual Married Couples:

(B1 up to 6 months as interim status) — A5 visa for 4 years A choice between Israeli citizenship or permanent residency

Gradual Process for Same-Sex Married Couples:

(B1 up to 6 months as interim status) — A5 visa for 4 years Permanent residency An option to apply for an Israeli citizenship

Gradual Process for Non-Married Couples:

B1 visa for 3 years A5 visa for 4 years Permanent residency An option to apply for an Israeli citizenship

How do we start?

Glad you asked!

There are 3 possible scenarios when deciding to start the Israeli partner visa process, and each scenario results in a slightly different application process.

  1. Both partners are in Israel – This usually happens when the foreign side is already residing legally in Israel with a different status (student/work immigrant/refugee etc). In this case, the application is submitted through the online form.
  2. The Israeli partner is in Israel and the non-Israeli partner is abroad – The application will be submitted by the Israeli partner via the online form.
  3. Both sides are abroad – An initial request will be made to the Israeli consulate at the country of residence. The embassy will forward your application to PIBA, which will decide whether the couple can enter Israel together and submit an online application.

Ready to start?

For scenarios 1 and 2, jump over to our amazing step-by-step guide, to find a detailed, step-by-step breakdown of how to start the gradual process and obtain your first partner visa!

For scenario 3, please contact the Israeli embassy in your country of residence, to get information and instructions on how to initiate the gradual process from abroad.


The process to obtain a partner visa or a spousal visa in Israel is a long bureaucratical process, that requires diligence and patience. Despite that, the gradual process is the wisest way to go for international couples that want to have Israel as their center of life. The partner visa and the gradual process, are one of the only ways for people who aren’t eligible to Aliyah to eventually obtain Israeli citizenship.

While not easy, it is completely possible! The Israeli Association for International Couples is run by couples who went through the same process and survived to tell! It is the first-ever nonprofit organization in Israel that will support you in every step of the way.

If this article helped you, please consider making a donation to our association. <3

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Adv. Lior Beres
Articles: 100


  1. Hi Lior, thank you so much for the article. Would it be possible to add the information for couples with the local partner being a permanent resident (Palestinian from East Jerusalem). I think it is similar to the one for non-married couples, but different times and no option for citizenship.

    • Hi Michael, thanks for the support!
      We are planning to add information about the process for couples where the Israeli side is a permanent resident in the future. As you said, it is similar with a some changes to the timeline and no ability to apply for citizenship. Other than that, the essence of the process is the same.
      Hope we can write a full article soon enough 🙂

  2. Dear Lior,

    I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your outstanding article on the topic of spouse visas. Your piece was not only beautifully written but also provided an incredibly detailed account of the gradual process involved.

    Reading your article brought such joy and inspiration to my life as I wasn’t aware that its perfectly possible for international same-sex couples to live together in Israel!
    Your enlightening piece has given me hope and opened up new possibilities for me and my boyfriend, with whom I’ve been in a loving relationship for nearly four years.

    As someone from a poor Eastern European country I have had to dedicate myself to turning my life around and have even moved to Norway to work hard and save up for our future together and I make an annual trip to Israel just to be with him, during my visit I wish time would stop and I would never have to leave. And when the day eventually comes, my heart tears itself apart! I’m sure you’ve heard stories the likes of mine a thousand times, and I absolutely appreciate, respect and love the work you and your colleagues do at AIC, it’s such a wonderful cause and I couldn’t be more grateful for what you do.

    Thank you, Lior, for sharing such valuable information. Your writing has truly made a positive impact on me, giving me the motivation to continue working towards being with the love of my life in Israel. Keep up the excellent work!

    With heartfelt gratitude,

    • Thank you Tadas for your heart warming words and for your support of our activity!
      We hope AIC will be a useful resource for you and your partner in your journey to a shared life in Israel. <3

  3. Dear Lior,

    Thank you so much for your insightful and helpful article – I’m so happy to have found your website!!

    My Israeli partner and I have applied for the non-married couples visa back in April and we only just heard back from them now. We have to submit a few more documents, such as our work payslips, and to translate my country of origin documents into Hebrew (they’re now in English, but that’s fair enough that they need a translation). However, I was very confused by the fact that they are asking for a household contract and 3-4 months of mutual bills because I’m obviously still abroad! Have you heard of this before, and why are they asking us for it?

    Thank you so much in advance

  4. Dear Lior,

    Thank you so much for your help and reply here. I really appreciate it so much. I promise you that I will make a donation – this month, I’m a bit broke 🙂 but next month or the one after. I will remember. Thank you, again.

    Understood about the flat contract and the translation – thank you.

    I have one more question please, if you can. I’m Polish but I have been leaving in the UK for many years and I’m now a citizen here too, so I got my criminal record from here and it’s in English. Does it need to be translated to Hebrew too? Does it need an apostille too?

    Thank you and have a lovely evening/day tomorrow 🙏🏻


  5. Hi there,

    I received my first B1 in August 2022 (we are unmarried). I was supposed to have my renewal meeting in August 2023. Because of the passport marathon, my B1 was automatically extended until February 2024. So if I go to my renewal meeting in 2025, do I get the B1 again for another 12 or 6 months or how and when does the switch from B1 to A5 happen? Thanks a lot!

    • Hi Sarah, at your next renewal (like any normal renewal) you should get a B1 with validity for 1 year. Irrespective of your visa’s validity, you are eligible to upgrade your status to A5 after completing 3 years with the B1 status (as an unmarried couple). It is possible that your upgrade eligibility will not align with your last B1 visa expiry date. In this case just make sure to be on top of the actual 3 year timeframe since you first got the B1 and schedule an upgrade meeting enough time in advance.

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