
Thank you for choosing to donate to the Israeli Association for International Couples (R.A.)! We really appreciate it. Thanks to you, the association will be able to maintain its activity and expand it in the future! Please choose your preferred donation method.

Credit Card / Bit

Make a quick and easy donation in a secure payment platform. Choose your donation amount freely and support AIC by making a one-time contribution or becoming a monthly donor with ease!

Bank Transfer

Simply make a one-time bank transfer to AIC or create a monthly standing order from your own bank account. Contact to get your donation receipt!

Click here to show bank details

Account name: The Israeli Association for International Couples (R.A.)
Bank: Mizrahi Tefahot (20)

Branch: 727

Account number: 126930

IBAN: IL09 0207 2700 0000 0126 930

Swift code: MIZBILIT

P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.

American donors can enjoy tax deductible donations when making a donation to AIC via P.E.F!
Donations through P.E.F can be made via credit card, bank transfers, checks and more.

Support the Organization

Your donations enable our activity and growth. With your support we can help couples, fight for our community’s rights at the Israeli parliament, work towards reforms and equality for couples, create collaborations, and social events. Without you, we can’t do it. Every donation counts!

In the photo: Yuval and Greta – international couple in Israel. Want your photo featured around the website? Contact us!