Supreme Judge Yechiel Kasher: “The petition is theoretical. The potential damage of the outline is limited”.

AIC regrets to inform the community of international couples in Israel that our petition against the “Passport Marathon” outline, its implementation and its destructive outcomes – has been dismissed in limine.

This last May 18th, AIC in collaboration with JIJ and 5 additional private petitioners, have submitted a petition to the high court of justice against the shutdown of visa services all around Israel.

Unfortunately, and despite our repeated requests, the judge chose to not summon the sides to a hearing at court, and make a decision based on the written contents only – which he seems to have understood very poorly and superficially.

In his short verdict, the judge displays our argument superficially and in a untrue manner to the original content of our pleadings, flattening the situation and pretending that we appealed against “irregular workloads” in the offices. The judge completely and entirely ignores the main argument of the petitioners, that revolves around the illegality of the state’s decision to shutdown visa departments around the country for an extended period of time.

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Adv. Lior Beres
Articles: 129


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