Voicing The Interest of International Couples at a “Pnima” Convention

This last Sunday, founder Adv. Lior Beres was invited to a closed forum arranged by Pnima – a nonprofit organization dealing with promotion of policies and solution for controversial topics in the Israeli soceity – discussing their initiative to create and promote a new Israeli immigration policy.

Their civil initiative calls for the rethinking of the Israeli immigration system, and suggests a new approach for all types of new immigrants – from Olim, to work immigrants, refugees, and of course family members and partners of Israelis.

The forum hosted people from many civil society organizations of many sectors and different viewpoints, to give their opinion about the suggested outline. As per usual, our organization was the only organization representing the interest of international couples. ????

We obviously support any initiative that promotes the creation of a fair immigration policy – that will provide clear procedures and adequate protection of the rights of Israelis and their partners. We hope that the anecdotes we gave will be taken into account when their team works on perfecting their policy suggestion.

We would like to thank Pnima for the invitation to the event and we hope for future collaborations such as this one!

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Adv. Lior Beres
Articles: 127

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