MK Mossi Raz Addressees PIBA About Injustices in the Opening Procedure of the Gradual Process

In collaboration with our organization, we worked together with MK Mossi Raz on sending a letter to PIBA, in regards to the issue of long separation periods of international couples who submitted an application for partner visa and did not yet receive an invitation or entry clearance. Here’s the story by Adv. Lior Beres:

In the last couple of months I’ve been focusing on bringing our community into the awareness of lawmakers. As a part of it, I’ve been telling the story of our community to parliament members, and was asking them to help us voice our issues.

As you may have previously read on my page, I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting MK Mossi Raz and his wonderful team, who were genuinely interested to learn more about our community and what international couples go through in the immigration process to Israel.

In collaboration between me and MK Raz and his team, an official letter was recently sent to PIBA’s headquarters by MK Raz, addressing one of the main hardships that international couples have to go through at the beginning of the process – the unknown and unlimited separation period from the moment of application until a clearance to enter Israel is granted.

This is a very specific problem to the international couples community, that is hurting hundreds of couples every month. Targeting and voicing such issues can only be done by us, those who are living the process every single day.

I want to thank MK Raz and his team for taking the time to learn about this issue and approach PIBA on their behalf with a request to solve the injustice. I believe such collaborations (that are impossible unless we speak up as a community) are a key step in the way to finding solutions.

There are obviously many more issues to address, and with your support we’ll hopefully be able to do it. Step by step.

Read the full letter here:

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Adv. Lior Beres
Articles: 100

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