Current Response Time to New Partner Visa Applications – Poll Results

Last week we have conducted a poll on our Facebook Community, asking our community members who recently submitted online application for partner visa, about their experience in getting a first response from PIBA.

Polls such as this one are super important to international couples who are right now applying for a partner visa for the first time. We remind you that unlike every other governmental authority, PIBA is not limited by any timeframe when processing partner visa applications, and can take as long as they wish to respond to the applications that are sent to them (read more in this post, step 5). We hope we will be able to continue making this kind of information accessible, for the sake of couples who are waiting for a response in “complete darkness”.

The results are limited and by no means “scientific” – Any member of our community could’ve participated in the poll, but we believe our dear community members who are very keen to help each other made sure to be as accurate as possible! In addition, some branches got only 1 or 2 votes, and the information we can learn from that about trends is almost non-existent (we chose to include these branches anyway, to give even the slightest piece of information to couples who have not yet received a response to their application at these branches).

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The Israeli Association for International Couples (R.A.)
Articles: 30


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